Deltawave, when a person realises TTATT (the truth about the truth) the JW mindset does not immediately evaporate. Even if you have discovered that JWs are just another religious cult this does not deny you might still be looking for some invisible spiritual anchor. The tendency of most ex-JWs is to look elsewhere for some “spiritual” comfort because that is what we were led to believe. Spirituality is just another term to describe the religious impulse.
There are degrees of healing from the curse of having been immersed in the Watchtower scam and it truly does take some time to rewire the brain and get your life back.
Our tendency is to justify religion by saying that “spirituality” is the alternative answer, as if we must hold on to something supernatural--- after all it had been our way of life to do so.
Instead, to leave JWs is an opportunity to mature as an individual...we were all infantilised by the old cult... now we look after ourselves. This is the significant part; if we are to mature we cultivate the art of decision making on a pragmatic basis not an airy-fairy spiritual one. Spiritual is the word of the religious con man, indeed we are not just material we are also creatures of the mind. Mental play is a precious and vital human attribute, often distorted in religious belief. We enjoy our imagination and also the profoundly enjoyable art and culture that have arisen from it but we should not base our life decisions on unprovable edicts by great “spiritual” leaders. The lure of spirituality is strong but just look at the pits of despair and depravity the “spirituality” of Islam is forcing on people.
We were Jdubs, we were wrong...we were wrong about everything. My suggestion is that this time round we should seek our own welfare and that of family and mankind through provable, evidential based knowledge not through the yearnings of magic spirituality. It takes time to escape and recover from the religious dream... but all the best to you on your life journey from here on, it does get better!